Sunday, 23 February 2014

Death Of Karna

Death of Karna.

After the  death of Dronachcharya, Duryodhana made Karna as the Commander  of his army to lead it against the Pandavas.  

Karna and Arjun fought a very fierce battle.  Karna fired a very powerful arrow which went like a poisonous snake and Lord Krishna pressed the chariot down and saved Arjun from this attack. Salliyan who was the Charioteer  of  Karna had an argument as his advise to Karna about fighting was not agreed to by Karna and hence he left the chariot and went away. Arjun also attacked Karna and made him suffer. At this time Karna’s chariot got stuck in the mud and did not move. Karna got down from his chariot and tried to lift it. He told Arjun not to continue fighting as he was lifting the chariot out of the mud.

But Lord Krishna chided him saying “Karna now you are talking of stopping the fight and wait for you to recover your chariot. But did you and the other warriors like Drona, Duryodhana, Dhussadhana and others  waited and where  did your dharma went when you all joined and killed Abhimanyu when he was on the ground without arms and ammunition and was so tired after fighting many of you? He was a little boy and you all were grown up men. When did you respect Dharma when you killed him? So when you want Dharma you should get it?” “You asked Draupathi to come and sit on  Duryodhanas lap and helped him to dishonour  Draupadi. You also abused her. You along with Sakuni and Duryodhana cheated Yudhishtra in the play of Sadhuranka (chess).  You also helped Duryodhana when he refused to give back the Kingdom to the Pandavas after their thirteen years of life in the forests.  You also helped Duryodhana to murder the Pandava brothers when they were sleeping in the house of wax. Where was your talk of Dharma then?” . 

Karna had no answers for this. Krishna asked Arjuna to continue to fight.

Karna wanted to use the holy weapons of Parasurama, but he could not recall them due to the curse of Parasurama. Karna went to Parasurama to get his sacred weapons. But Parasurama took only Brahmins as his disciple. So (Karna duped Parasurama by lying and learnt  the use of his weapons. But Parasurama discovered his lie and cursed him that, at the time of war he would forget the use of those weapons.)

Listening to this Karna has no reply to Krishna’s outburst and he continued fighting from the ground. He tried to lift the Chariot when Arjun was wounded by his arrow and then Krishna asked Arjuna to kill him. So Arjun  fired an arrow which killed Karna, one of the greatest  warriors of that time and history.

So Karna was killed by again deceit. Karana was the most pitiable of all characters in the Mahabarata as he was  deserted as a baby by his own mother Kunti as she was not married at that time, adopted by a low caste man and had to live the infamy of that caste stamp, cheated by the curse of Parasurama, deserted my his own charioteer Salliyan in the battle field, again his mother Kunti came and took a vow from him to not to kill any of the Pandavas  except Arjun as they were his own brothers and  also a promise that he would not fire the famous arrow of Lord Shiva on Arjun more than once.  Devendra the celestial father of Arjun took away his armour shield and ear studs which was born with him and were such famous protection against his death and were  given by his God  father the SURYA. All this has joined and killed Karna.

But as a last wish of him Kunti came to the battlefield after learning the death of Karna and cried over his body as it was the last wish of Karana which made the other Pandavas to realize that Karna was their own elder brother.


  1. karna"s celestial father was SURYA and not vayu. ok

  2. yes true. You are correct. Sorry for the error. I will correct it. Thanks for the correction.

  3. yes true. You are correct. Sorry for the error. I will correct it. Thanks for the correction.
