Mahabarata two very intelligent and just men were introduced by sage
Vyasa. One was Vithura, the son born to sage Vyasa through a servant
maid and the other was the Sanjaya who was a charioteer of king
Dhirthrashtra. Because of his honesty, intelligence, just and
straightforward character lord Krishna gave Sanjaya the vision to see
and report the battlefield from the king Dhirthrashtr's palace without
visiting the battlefield. Because of this vision he explained the
happenings of the battle field to Drithrashtra, who was blind from birth and could not see the battlefield or its happenings.
be frank it was Sanjay's description of the war and battlefield which
is half the story with Bagavat gita in it as told by Sanjaya to
While reciting the incidents Sanjaya also chides and advises Drithrashtra against the injustices meted out to the Pandavas and asked him to give them back their share of the country. but Drithrashtra refuses to heed him as his love for his son Duryodhana was much more than the good advises given by Sanjaya, Bheeshma, Drona and others.
remain with Drithrashtra and his wife Kanthari till their last when
they left for the forest after the defeat of Duryodhana and the Kaurava